Friday, June 5, 2015

Mother's Day

Katherine Caye C. Pablo
May 1, 2015

We read a Mother's Day poem, together with other poems. When it was time for the children to write, I didn't tell them to write a Mother's Day poem. When I was a kid, I always felt "pressured" to write one and I thought whatever I wrote lacked sincerity.

The poem which Kat wrote is straight from the heart, I'm sure. She wrote it on lined pad paper, then she drew a heart on two sheets of lined pad paper. She asked me to help her cut the hearts. Then she taped them together which gave her a heart-shaped card. And last, she cut what she had written and taped it on the inner heart.

Mother's Day is a 
time for Moms everywere (sic) 
too (sic) rest, Have fun and enjoy 
their family time together.
Especially you, Mom.
So please take a brake! (sic)

Putting Together a Story

Katherine Caye C. Pablo
April 18, 2015

I gave the kids a mini-lecture on how to put together a story:

1.There must be a setting in which the main characters are introduced. 
2. Then a problem crops up which the characters try to solve. 
3. Finally, the problem is solved and the story ends.

This was what Kat wrote: 

Taeyon breaks her leg and cant (sic) perform in the concert unles (sic) she rests her legs for 3 days. Then she rested for 3 days and is able to perform in the concert in the Philippine Arena in Malolos.

I told Kat that her readers need to know how the story began. What is the setting? Who are the other main characters? What brought about Taeyon's accident? 

Kat wrote two more paragraphs:

Taeyon took her dog for a walk.Then she got hungry. She looked for a food store. When she found one she went their (sic). While buying, Taeyon's dog ran away.

She chased after her dog and fell down. When she fell, she twisted her leg and went to the hospital.

I was impressed with Kat's ability to put together her story's beginning, middle, and end. But she began with the end. Don't we all do that sometimes? 

Lovely City

Katherine Caye C. Pablo
April 18, 2015

Kat is Sam's younger sister. Kat's 1st free writing output was very short. It was probably her first time to do free writing. This one, her second free writing output, was much longer. She seems to be frugal with written words. (definitely not when she has someone to talk to!)  Take note of the nobility of her innocent vision. Ah, if only...

In a lovely city, their (sic) was a big pile of dump. One day, a child said let's clean up the dump. The next morning, people came to the dump and started cleaning up the dump. The dump started getting smaller until it's clean and they turned it into a park!

They Need Help!

                                  Samantha Kaye C. Pablo
                                              May 1, 2015

Sam wrote this poem in class, in response to poems with a social message, notably Janet S. Wong's "Speak up." 

              Looking outside my window
       I saw a boy outside. I checked
       what he was doing. A trash can
       did I see. He picked a can 
       from a noodle soup treat.

             A bottle with no water.
       He opened it right up, shook
       it toward his dry lips, on the drooling
       hungry mouth. I sighed and wondered.

             What other things does he do, to try
       to live every day. Imagine all the food he
       eats from a dirty garbage can. All the heat
       they go through, to search and beg for food.

              They need to go to church, they'll 
        love it there. But how can I convince them?
                        How can I help? 

Acrostic Poems

                                                                  Samantha Kaye
                                                                   Samantha Kaye C. Pablo
                                                                            May 1, 2015

S    - sane
A   - awesome
M  - math wizard
A   - alpha
N   - nice
T   - talkative
H  - hopeful 
A  - approachable

K - K-popper
A - artistic
Y - young
E - e.l.f.


                                                               Katherine Caye C. Pablo
                                                                         May 1, 2015

K - K-pop
A - adorable
T - tearific
H - honorable
E - excelent (sic)
R - remarkable
I  - interesting
N - neet (sic)
E - exciting                              

A Concert of My Dreams

                                     Samantha Kaye C. Pablo
                                              April 18, 2015

This was Sam's second Free Writing Output. There was no writing prompt.  

A free writing output is never corrected by a teacher. The objective is not to write an error-free composition, but to come up with an idea -- a big one, a new one, or even a small one, which the writer may pursue at his/her pleasure. Or may be throw away. This free writing output by Sam, written in class, without any interruption, and under time limit, is way too good to throw away. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

"We're finally here!"  I said trying to keep my voice down. 

"I'm so happy!" my cousin said as we entered the giant Philippine Arena.

I imagined my Dad wanting to run away from the concert I always had looked forward to. 

"Daddy, which door are we?" my sister said feeling so excited.

"Looks like there are no souvenir shops," my Dad said.

"How about that one?" I said.

"What are they selling?" my Dad said.

"Shirts," I replied. "Can we look around?" I asked. 

"Ok," my Dad replied.

Unfortunately, we only found a shop selling CDs of Girls Generation. We bought 2 CDs and went to Door no. 10. 

"Yes!" I screamed. We entered the door and went to our seats. 

Moments later, "I need to go to the comfort room," my sister said, so we all had to come. While my sister was in the cubicle, my cousin heard the announcement and told me the concert is about to start. We kept knocking on her cubicle door, rushing her to go faster.

She finally came out, and we ran to our Dad. So then, my Dad went to the comfort room and told us to stay. Then a stampede of Koreans and Filipinos rushed to the door. That's when we also went to our door and back to our seats. 

The show finally started and I enjoyed listening to all K-Pop songs, especially SNSD. It was THE BEST DAY EVER!  

I Was Lost in the Big Z00!

                                     Samantha Kaye C. Pablo
                                     Free Writing, April 11, 2015

Free writing is an activity which allows young and grown-up writers to "let it go."  It's a brainstorming technique if one is blank. It's a trick which allows a writer to write freely, without worrying about structure, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and even the language(s) used. One can definitely switch from English to Tagalog or Cebuano or Ilongo... This free writing activity was prompt-driven: "I was lost in the big zoo." 

I was lost in the big zoo. It was already dark and scary. I tried to trace my trail back but I ended up in the same place I started. 

The time was going slowly, then I heard a loud BANG! That's when I figured the gates were locked and I was stuck inside. I screamed, "HELP!"  But no one replied. 

It became darker and darker by the moment. I noticed a sound and looked back. No one was there. I suddenly saw a huge shadow on the zoo wall. It grew and grew until I saw a lion and a tiger. I saw it look at me.

Then they started running after me. Then I pinched myself and woke up, only to find myself tucked in my bed and safe. But as I took off my covers, I found a stuffed toy tiger and lion. My eyes widened, then I went back to sleep.