Friday, April 17, 2015

Speaking to Learn: Kat and Lucas Chats, Laughs, Problem-Solves, Negotiates, etc.!

The children had been assigned to write and illustrate a comic strip. Individually. 

It was the first session of our Creative Writing Class for Kids last April 11, 2015. But Kat and Lucas wanted to work together. And they got the go-signal to do so.

Are they disobedient? Disruptive? Of course not. They're creative!

But they were "noisy."  The other kids who were working individually and quietly were irritated. Solution? I told Kat and Lucas to work in another corner of the room. Not a solution; they were still "noisy."

Better solution? I asked someone to lift the kiddy table and take it just outside our classroom which has a glass door. 

So we all worked in peace. 

Kat and Lucas actually had a blast while working together. They chatted away, laughed, solved their little clashes and their characters' problems, negotiated, divided the work between them, and completed four frames with dialogue and color illustration!

Lesson Learned? Some young children's learning style is cooperative and interactive. They speak to learn.

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